'Mating Blue-tailed Damselflies' by Ken Dow
Best Nature Image, SPF Digital Championship. Silver Medal Winner
Welcome to Paisley Colour Photographic Club
Established in 1955, Paisley Colour Photographic Club is one of the leading photography clubs in Scotland. The club has an active, friendly and inclusive membership which caters for all levels of experience, from those just beginning to explore the world of photography to established photographers looking to develop their craft. The club is affiliated to the Scottish Photographic Federation (SPF) and the Glasgow District Photographic Union.
The Club meets on Thursday evenings between September and April, usually at Renfrew Bowling Club but occasionally online using Zoom. The Club prides itself on the quality of its programme, comprising well supported competition evenings and quality presentations by outside speakers and from our own members. In the summer, the Club also organises a variety of informal and programmed events.
The ‘Programme’ page of the website outlines the current programme of events and locations. The in-season syllabus comprises a number of competitions, internal and external speakers as well as workshops and teach-ins. Each of the events are intended to spark new ideas or provide feedback and guidance to our photographers.
New members and visitors are always welcome, and enquiries can be made on the ‘Contact’ page. Feel free to have a look at the news, competition results and information on the website and please get in contact if you'd like to learn more.
Guy Phillips